...with love all things are possible

Believe ...

Believe ...

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Ask and you shall receive ...

Would you like sugar in your coffee?
Milk in your tea?
What time does the show start?
Can I pay for this later?
Are were there yet?
How long will it be?

All those questions have limited answers that help us get what we like or want.

But what about those questions that prompt more questions? What about those questions that invite the other person to reveal something about themselves (or not)? To give me a response that might not be something I want to hear?

So I'm on a quest in search of good questions, better questions, thought-provoking questions beyond classroom questions. I'm tired of canned responses. I want to challenge my brain to think deeper, probe harder, tap into the inner resources that lie there dormant day after day after day.

I'm going to ask a great question every day and try to formulate my response for the day, maybe you can tell me how you would have responded or what your response (if any) was to the question.


  1. I don't take sugar in my tea, but I do like to chat over a cuppa with my friends.

    Best wishes,

  2. Hello Annie, I don't take sugar either and I do love a good chat. What's the best question a friend ever asked you?

  3. When is you book being published, which is far better than... You! a writer, get real girl...lol

    Best wishes,

  4. Now there's a nice question with a multitude of answers - when is your book being published. You are a writer so I wouldn't even consider the second!

  5. Ahhh - yes. Aren't you clever! I think I might have meant to write Ask? Who knows. Touche - keep me honest Jessi! Hugs......


Unless otherwise noted, all articles are written by Cath Rathbone. (Copyright Catherine (Cath) Rathbone and Noony Brown)