...with love all things are possible

Believe ...

Believe ...

Wednesday 29 February 2012



In the last two years Mum has has lived through some of the darkest days of her life.  Yet she's fought like a champion, smiled like a princess and made the most of every possible moment.

Alzheimer's and loss are not good partners, in fact they're arch-enemies.

In the middle of it all she even agreed to illustrate my book of kiddie's poems we'd enjoyed so much and she produced some extraordinary sketches.  We went ahead and published a limited edition of the book to celebrate her 80th birthday last year.  She couldn't believe it.

My heart bursts with pride every day I think about her and I love her to bits - so I'm sharing this because I think it's important for her to see that she still has so much to give, so much to share and for all of you out there, who may have a loved one with Alzheimer's so you can see what can be accomplished with a little nudging.

I love you Mummy

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Unless otherwise noted, all articles are written by Cath Rathbone. (Copyright Catherine (Cath) Rathbone and Noony Brown)